I starting experimental photography series. These are photographs, not computer graphics. I don’t use a computer to process the photos, just minimal correction.
I starting experimental photography series. These are photographs, not computer graphics. I don’t use a computer to process the photos, just minimal correction.
I started a new version of the language encoding images using the analogue method. I called it “code picture”. Below is the difference between the two coding types, the old “Note Painting” and the new “Code Picture.”
“The Song for Itself” DataMatrix NP001/22 is a non-musical song that is also a QR code leading to itself.
The QR code was written on the stave using the Note Painting coding method and then painted on a 60 x 60 cm canvas with acrylic paint. The notation included the use of black and white.
The QR code image brought you here to see the analogue Note Painting code written on the stave and encoding.
Below you can see the original sketch of the code and download the PDF with the explanation and idea.
W&L was a visual-musical, anti-artistic collective active between the years 1990 – 1994, comprised of Hassan, Cyrul Duhe, Lietzau and various guests.
It did not have a precise agenda like other groups, but a few common traits can be identified:
In 1994 the collective fell apart, destroying (nearly) all of their legacy in the process: paintings, artefacts, photos, audio & video tapes and the documentation of own actions all fell victims of burning in a fire after being deemed mistakes in history.
This page contains the materials which miraculously survived – only because they happened to be in someone else’s possession.
I am proud to have joined over 100 artists from across the globe to highlight climate change at the nine-month ‘Our eARTh’ environmental exhibition in North Yorkshire. Continue reading %s
Work in progress.
Performing the B-15 composition. Sketching on the stave, correcting code, painting and adding colors.
Work in progress.
Performing the B-15v1 composition. Sketching on the stave, correcting code, painting and adding colors.